Over the past years, Carezzo has conducted several studies regarding the scientific substantiation of the dietary concept.
These Randomized Control Trial (RCT) studies include taste panels and protein intake studies among seniors in different situations: hospitals, rehabilitation clinics, nursing homes and stay at home care.

From these studies, we have gained knowledge on what does and does not work when tackling malnutrition.

What does not work is the current approach of supplementation: by eating more snacks and additionally drinking medical beverages, most malnourished people do not reach the desired protein intake.

What does work is the new strategy of substitution: replace normal nutrition by protein enriched nutrition. More protein in the conventional menu leads to a significant increase in protein intake, whereby most malnourished people DO achieve the desired protein intake.

What works better is spreading protein intake over breakfast, lunch and dinner in combination with physical exercise. Especially the extra proteins consumed during sandwich meals and snacks have a favorable effect on the total protein intake.

What works best is offering choice and variation. In the most recent studies, seniors in the hospital and living at home could choose from the entire Carezzo assortment. In the end, 79% of the target group was able to achieve the desired protein intake and maintained this for months without signs of boredom or saturation.


All research concerning taste, Carezzo uses the SenTo panel of Wageningen University. This is the first seniors’ panel where all the participants have been screened on their ability to taste and smell. Especially ageing and diseases imply changes concerning taste and smell. And, we are only at the beginning of gathering knowledge about what seniors need to preserve their appetite and nutritional status and how the taste and texture of products can influence those needs. Which is why we think that it is important to test all of our products within our target group.
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home residents concerning protein intake. The VUmc and a rehabilitation clinic were the first ones to introduce protein enriched bread and drinking yoghurt into the intervention group. These clinical RCT studies are the first in which regular protein enriched food is a part of the conventional menu, for both sick geriatric patients as seniors who rehabilitate, mostly from hip surgery. These studies provide the first scientific substantiation that protein enriched basic nutrition can be eaten as much as ordinary nutrition and thus contributes significantly to an increase in protein intake.

Subsequently, bread, juice and soup were replaced by Carezzo protein enriched equivalents. This study has shown that the protein intake significantly increases without having to eat more, by replacing several products.

In 2014-2015, an effect study was conducted on seniors who were offered the entire Carezzo assortment in hospital Gelderse Vallei. After being discharged from the hospital, they were offered free protein enriched nutrition for a duration of three months. During this period, a number of measurements were carried out on the quantity of protein intake, physical condition and nutritional status. Contrary to usual RCT studies, this study offered a free choice in products in the research group. The results of these studies indicate a significant and structural increase in protein intake.


Carezzo is a partner in the Cater with Care consortium consisting of a unique mixture of business, knowledge and healthcare institutions Each partner brings their own knowledge and experience. We collaborate on the development of tasty products that are effective in the prevention and treatment of malnutrition of seniors and the strengthening of patients.


The partners improve existing nutritional products and develop new and enriched nutritional concepts. The wishes and nutritional needs of seniors and patients are our primary concern. The knowledge and care institutions gather knowledge about the nutritional needs and the causes of malnutrition. Moreover, a lot of scientific research has been conducted on the effects of new products. Mostly on nutritional intake, quality of life, physical condition and nutritional status.


Cater with Care started in 2012 and continued until the end of 2015. The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (GO Gebundelde Innovatiekracht), the Province of Gelderland, the Government and the consortium partners.


  • Wageningen UR: one of the most important research centers in the world concerning nutrition.
  • Gelderse Vallei Hospital: THE nutritional hospital in the Netherlands.
  • Carezzo Nutrition: innovative start-up that develops protein enriched nutrition based on grains (bread and pastries), vegetables (soups) and fruit (juices, dairy and ice cream).
  • Nizo, Heinz, Sodexo, Stichting Promotie Kalfsvlees

The initiator of the consortium is the Alliantie Voeding Gelderse Vallei, a collaboration between Wageningen University & Research and Gelderse Vallei Hospital.